10 Reasons to Make a Vision Board for the New Year (or Any Time!)

10 Reasons to Make a Vision Board - Life Dreamery

Have you been thinking about making a vision board for the new year? Or maybe you’ve been hearing a lot about vision boards and wondering if you should make one?

I, of course, am a big believer in vision boards. I have been making them for over 20 years and have seen amazing results from them in my own life as well as in others' lives.

And I encourage you to make one, too. Here are just some of the reasons.

10 Reasons to Make a Vision Board to Achieve Your Goals & Live Your Dream Life

  1. Vision boards harness both the conscious and subconscious mind in pursuit of your goals. They naturally bridge left-brain analytical thinking & goal setting with the subconscious and creativity of the right brain.
  2. We are visual creatures* and vision boards are visual representations and affirmations of our dreams and goals

    *Did you know that as humans we receive and process over 80% of our information and understanding through our visual senses?!

  3. Vision boards help us clarify and define what it is that we truly want in our life, which is beneficial to do periodically.

  4. Vision boards help us manifest and create that which we desire, naturally bridging pragmatic goal setting and achievement with the energetic level of law of attraction.

  5. They work on both the conscious and subconscious parts of our brains

  6. Vision boards act as the compass and roadmap to our desires and goals, reminding us what we are working towards and helping us stay on track. We can refer to them as we make plans and take action.

  7. They are a personal check in with ourselves to make sure we are living our own authentic lives and pursuing our own goals rather than someone else’s.

  8. Vision boards help us take a more active role in our life rather than living at the effect of life.

  9. As with SMART goals, vision boards help us to be specific and then recognize when we’ve achieved what we said we wanted.

  10. Vision boards trigger the reticular activating system in our brain and allow us to recognize and embrace the synchronicities, signs, and opportunities all around us relevant to what we've decided is important. 

  11. Vision boards are fun to make, whether you make them by yourself or with your family or a group of friends!

So, are you ready to make a vision board for the new year? 

I invite you to sign up for one of my Vision Board Workshops, where I guide you through my process of creating a vision board that works, including the tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way for making and using it. 

Or you can check out my other articles about vision boards for inspiration and ideas.

Jean Van't Hul, Life & Business Coach

I help dreamers and doers live their best lives, create success on their own terms, and build businesses that thrive. I am a life and business coach, astrologer, and a vision board workshop facilitator.

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