Make a Wish! (& the astonishing power of vision boards)

Make a wish on a dandelion

What if you had the power to make this next year the best year of your life?

What would the year look like for you?

What would your health look like?

What would your relationships look like?

What would your work look like?

What would your bank account look like?

What would your family life look like?

What would your community look like?

We might not be able to wave a magic wand and make it all come true overnight.

But I like to think of vision boards as the next best thing.

By placing visual representations of your big wishes and clear intentions on a vision board, and displaying it where you can see it everyday, magic starts to happen.

Information and answers show up.

You are led to the right book or the right teacher serendipitously.

An old friend contacts you out of the blue. 

You meet someone new in the randomest manner who ends up having a significant impact on your life.

You have the energy and inspiration to pursue a dream project that was previously shoved down under all the shoulds and chores of life.

And after a while, you look back at the vision board and realize that half of it has come true already.

And what you started with a half-skeptical mind has seemingly transformed your life.

Could a few images pasted onto poster board really have that kind of power?

Yes and no.

There is so much more to it than simply gluing pictures together.

It’s about allowing yourself to dream and to acknowledge to yourself what you actually want.

It’s about selecting images that perfectly represent the essence of your dreams and goals to you.

It’s about believing that what you want could be possible if the stars aligned.

And then not worrying about HOW everything is going to happen or even when. And just trusting that the vision board process will work its magic.

And agreeing to yourself to take action as inspiration strikes and nudges show up from the universe.

And prepare to be astonished and grateful for all that the year has brought you when you are looking back at the end of the year. 

I always am.

And then I start the process all over again and I start making my vision board for the next year.

Would you like to join me?

In my Vision Board Magic Workshop, I will walk you through my process, honed over 20+ years, and inspired by a number of books and authors I’ve read during that time, of creating a vision board that works, and activating it afterwards for maximum results.

You can learn more or sign up for the Vision Board Workshop here.

See you inside the workshop!



P.S. I donate 10% of each Vision Board Workshop fee to the Make-A-Wish Foundation (divided evenly between Make-A-Wish America and Make-A-Wish International). As we work toward making our own dreams come true, we are also be funding the dreams and wishes of children living with critical illnesses. (We know a family who has been a beneficiary of this wonderful organization and we know how much of an impact it can have!)

Jean Van't Hul, Life & Business Coach

I help dreamers and doers live their best lives, create success on their own terms, and build businesses that thrive. I am a life and business coach, astrologer, and a vision board workshop facilitator.

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