Your Astrology Blueprint

Learn your own unique astrological blueprint to gain clarity on your life purpose and work so that you can understand how to live and work with greater fulfillment, awareness, ease, and success.

What you'll get:

  • Clarity about your life purpose and business or career 
  • Insight into the impact you are here to have and how you work best, including how you are meant to shine, your communication style, your gifts and challenges, who your ideal clients are, how you make money the easiest, and how you are uniquely wired to attract and interact with others.
  • A 1-hour session with me via Zoom to go over the details of your chart, what it all means, and how to incorporate the information into your life and business for better alignment, ease, and success. 
  • A recording of your Astrology Blueprint Session sent within 24 hours.

Important: I will need your exact birth date, time, and location for the reading. If you don't know your exact birth time, and are interested in an astrology session, please send me an email at [email protected] . 

$250.00 USD